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Do you need to be known? Expose Your Brand?

Is your goal to sell more? We are here to support your growth, outperform your competitors and make your BRAND known.

What is Web Connection?

We are a company with more than 24 years of experience on the Internet, offering Domains, Web Hosting, Corporate Emails and much more Services.

We focus on technological solutions, through the Internet. Having ventured into general services as part of our possibilities.

We provide you with advice in technological areas, as well as strategies so that you can achieve all your goals.

equipo trabajando de web cpnection

Our services

ancho de banda ilimitado

That is why Web Conection offers within the Technology Area the services of:

  • Web Graphic Design,
  • Institutional Web Development
  • Layout and development of web applications,
  • Development of Virtual Stores.

In addition, we have ventured into Digital Marketing offering our clients:

  • Social Network Management
  • Content Marketing
  • SEO audit
  • SEO Positioning

Web Connection Objectives

General Objective

Advise, manage, provide information, design, develop, offer products and services with the highest quality, according to the needs of clients who request it.

Use and apply the latest tecnologías y/o herramientas open source, such as: MySql, PostgreSQL, Java, PHP, WordPress, Moodle, in the development of our work.

In addition, manage and manage specific personnel that allows our clients to use their time in activities aimed at generating value.

Specific Objectives

Offer a high quality service in all our operations, having quality personnel for different positions in construction, cleaning area, etc.

Serve our clients by complying with the quality standards and work processes established in the service agreements for which we have been contracted.

Develop computer applications that serve as tools to help our clients improve their efficiency in the development of their activities.

Mission, Vision and Values


Contribute to the success of people and companies, educate, train, inform and offer services, all of the highest quality that differentiates us from our competitors and allows us to be recognized over time.


Be recognized for providing the best solutions with quality services. We offer you the best in the areas of General Services, as well as Web Hosting, Domain Names, Web Design, SEO Advasory, Digital Marketing and Community Maganer services.

Our values

To achieve our objectives and offer quality services, we cultivate our teamwork in: transparency, sense of responsibility, punctuality, company integrity, order, creativity and finally respect among team members.

Our Work Team

Initially, we started our activities in information technology(IT), Over the years we pay attention to the needs of our clients to improve and initiate new areas such as general services.

IT Team

All our work groups provide services generating trust, quality and guarantee.

Web Conection has a qualified work team in information technology management.

Both led by people with extensive experience with clear objectives framed in those of the Project.

Training in new technologies is permanent.

General Services Team

The staff is always trained to meet set objectives by working as hard as necessary.

They share the objectives and endorse the mission, vision and values ​​of the company for which they work.

The most important thing for us is to offer our clients competitive quality services.

Attentive to always offering the best and fulfilling their day’s work and completing the entrusted service.

For more information, contact us and we will be happy to assist you:   Contact Us

que te ofrece web conection

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