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Need Plex Server Cloud Storage Free? Here Some Tips About

First of all, you know, the Plex Media Server is a software that main function is playing Movies, TV Shows, your images and other kind of media on your desktop, laptop or others on simple way. Here I’ll show you the possibilities of use this software with cloud storage and others ways to access the isolated stream of videos or music.

Come on continue reading this article and get more fresh info about this important software.

How use Plex with Cloud Storage

Undoubtedly, to use and get more benefits working Plex in the cloud, need to apply storage on majors companies in the world. They will supply to you the needs of storage to your files.

The plex cloud worked with the major cloud computing companies like Amazon, Google Drive, Azurre and Dropbox. But these Plex cloud storage have problems with unlicensed media, they don’t accept plex cloud storage,

Which Best Cloud Storage for Plex

As you know, there are several online storage options for plex software out there today. Like I told you, you have cloud storage, VPS (Virtual Private Servers), RSS (Remote Storage System), and others.

Indeed, at this time, in 2021 the current Online / VPN / RSS / Cloud Backup options are either unanswered or obsolete. These service was deiscontinued from Plex co.

Which was the Best Cloud for Plex

In fact, here were some good options in the past (with many of them offered as solutions in past threads in this forum) but now in 2020 (or 2021) have changed to the point they are not viable due to their policy or storage plan changes or price increases…

  • CrashPlan – CrashPlan, they are blocking Plex Server in their backups (./Plex Media Server/.) within the last year (2020). You can see the full list of directories that they are blocking from backing up in the link here 37.
  • Goole Gsuite – They are ending Gsuite unlimited storage for $12 a month and replacing it with multi-tiered new plans under the new renamed “Workspace” branding and that all customers are going to be forced into (check link google here).
    • The problem is that to retain the unlimited data it will now cost $30 a month ($360 a year) . All other plans have caps like 3TB or 6TB aprox of storage.
  • Amazon – Another company offer storage to Plex was Amazon. They used to also offer unlimited storage, but has since stopped offering that. At this time, it would be very expensive to use.
  • iDrive – Is a good highly rated option. They have historically only offered a max of 5TB, so when I saw they are currently offering a 10TB option for $8.33 a month or $100 yearly after the promotional first year, please check the link here 47.
    • But they have in a terms of use a small very fine print at the bottom that said “the normal storage of 5TB Personal Plan is set at 10TB for a limited time.”.
  • OneDrive / DropBox / Box / Sync / etc… – They may vary slightly but they are all basically the same pricing…as many of these have veered away from personal plan options and focused on business options.
    • They say unlimited storage for only $15 a month. But, again, the fine print says minimum of 3 users (so now it jumps to $45 a month / $450 a year). And, when the say you have 10TB or 15TB, in the fine print says minimum of 2-3 users with a storage capacity of 2TB to 5TB per user.

There are several more examples of opportunities for more than 10 TB cloud storage options in the past that are no longer viable or have doubled / tripled in price making them unattractive now.

The Plex Cloud Service

At last, Plex Media Company put on air the version of Plex Cloud on 2016 to many customers can use it from internet around the world. To access this cloud service needed a Plex Pass account. It is the premium service from Plex.

At now, you can download from this link:, this service can work whit linux, windows and Mac, and specific Cloud services on the web. Please check the specific cloud services that works whit it.

The first arrived of cloud Plex server service on 2016, and was a big step to make a plex server cloud storage based for many users that prefer access all of his own media data from the cloud.

Best Online Storage for Plex

plex unlimited cloud storage

How to choose the Best storage for Plex Server

What options you can choose and they are available now and the upcoming soon next year? I don’t know, but if you meet the following criteria, you wont have problems when looking for online storage. Just they have to meet these basic criteria:

Plex Tips to Get The best Cloud Storage

  1. Does NOT restrict each user to only 1TB to 5TB storage in spite of the plan offering 15TB or more for the plan.
  2. It has to be AFFORDABLE (like $8 to $15 a month or $80 to $100 a year).
  3. It must NOT restrict backing up a Plex Server
  4. It has at least 10TB to Unlimited storage that.
  5. Does NOT require a minimum number of users

Choosing Plex Online Storage

Everybody know the most important provider of cloud storage, are very competitive, but when are looking for less cost for your plex, they could not the best option. It is better choose good solutions that offer backed up service for plex and with so low price.

So I cab tell you that I confirmed two possible solutions for backing up Plex server that is hosted on a networked NAS. These options are Blackblaze and iDrive

  1. Backblaze – It has a pros and cons, here I show them:
    • The pro is it has a lot of reviews online that say it does what it does with no real bells and whistles.
    • Another pro with them is they are still currently Unlimited for the personal plan. It give you an unlimited cloud storage plex.
    • The cons do make me hesitate a little with them due to some challenges because their infrastructure is limited customizability, it has limited advanced security options. You can only backup One computer and USB connected drive and does not support NAS or networked drives.
  2. iDrive – Close enough to Backblaze aggressive pricing. It has pros and cons too:
    • The strong Pros for iDrive is advanced security (i.e. You can control the encryption key so iDrive couldn’t read your backups even if they wanted to),
    • supports NAS / networked drives / Unlimited computers, computer and NAS drive imaging,
    • Offers forever history as a standard (i.e. if I delete a file on my computer it is not deleted in the backup online).
    • The only con is limited to 10TB which is not a problem for me (at least for the next year or two).

Comparison The cloud storage for Plex,

Yo have here a comparison price of Cloud Storage just reas this article Cloud Storage Cost and Savings Calculator, It compare between Blackblaze B2, Amazon S3, Azure and Google Cloud. Read it, it will give you a good idea the cloud storage pricing right now.

This calculator of Blackbaze let you calculate the cost of your Cloud Storage for 2 important points, Total Data Stored and Monthly downloaded Data. Both items are most generate costs on your Cloud service. This comparison is between most important providers from the industry against Blackbaze.

cloud storage plex,

How to Setup your Own Plex Server

Many people ask it for this on the internet, Google, Bing, Baidu, and others Searchs Engines are bombing every day with search “how to setup own plex server”. This is a Technic question, obviously no all people can set up a Plex Server.

Of course, it is for experts programmers and IT support than know Linux, dedicated Server or VPs. Also needs a Google Drive subscription or another Storage Cloud Platform. Here we go.

In fact, to set up your own plex server, need to follow the steps showed on web site. It is enough to get that you are looking for. I’ll leave you the link here Unlimited and Automated. How to setup your own dream Plex server.

Plex Media File is a trade mark of Plex Inc.


  • The security of your Plex Storage, depend a lot rides on the cloud provider you select. If you choose a cloud provider that doesn’t prioritize security, does not utilize secure transport mechanisms, does not utilize encryption, doesn’t have a well-defined security policy, and doesn’t have a safe facility, your Plex data are going to be in danger.
  • When you’re using a cloud storage support, you are not as likely to encounter errors and issues with third-parties or with the sum of information storage you’ve got available. Internet-based cloud storage companies deliver secure file space you may utilize to transfer data.
  • There are lots of cloud storage services permitting you to access your documents securely and on various platforms and devices.
  • Relating this kind of technology, I mean, online storage service. It is a strange turn of events when looking at the history of technologies advances.
  • The big companies that offer this service are usually limited and expensive when they start but become cheaper with wider options as they mature.
  • It is just the opposite with online storage. It was cheaper with more options in the past and more expensive with less options and more restrictions as the years roll on.

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