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Do you want to be on Google?
Improve the SEO of your website

First of all to be on Google

What is SEO? and What is Positioning?

Let’s start at the beginning, SEO is the initials of Search Engine Optimization, which would be: Search Engine Optimization.

This technique allows you to place your page at the top of search engines by generating content.

Optimizing your website allows it to be indexed by search engines and generate organic traffic. This is Positioning.

Web Conection performs the SEO analysis of your website for your company and recommends the creation of content according to the keywords of your business.

How to Apply SEO to my Website?

After developing your Website you must carry out an SEO Audit, which consists of validating if your page can be searched and indexed by search engines.

Can you search? It means that if you comply with all its rules, the search engine will index you. For this, the SEO analysis of your website is vital.

By meeting the search factors, your web pages will be printed as results within the search engine for each query that users make.

The SEO audit is a review to determine opportunities, problems and recommended corrections.

Why do I need it?
What comes next?

why you need website audit


The audit allows you to correct errors and adjust to Google factors. Analyze the keywords and move to the next step.

The website audit recommends solutions to correct the errors found.

Website auditing is the key to generating organic visitors to your website.

What comes next? After the audit, your website has the possibility of improving efficiency and visibility within search engines.

It is at this point that the keywords that your business has become important. And start attacking them constantly.

What does it include and how long does it last?

There are levels of Analysis, from which the strategies to follow later can be determined.

The ideal is to carry out all levels that include the technical level, keywords and indexing within search engines.

In conclusion, the SEO Audit involves making On Page SEO and Off Page SEO reports.

The standard duration for issuing reports is 24 to 48 hours including recommendations. But it depends on the size of your website.

SEO para web

SEO Analysis and Web Positioning?

SEO analysis allows you to have a basic battery of keywords with which to create content within your website.

That’s right, these contents can be part of the information on your institutional site or be added to articles on your Blog.

Types of Review Analysis

After creating content we must check that the pages are indexed by the optimized keywords.

This process is carried out using tools provided by various manufacturers.

SEO Audit and Positioning Service
by Web Connection

Our service includes everything we have mentioned, when you hire our service.

Our objective becomes your objectives and together we will work to get your website on Google.

SEO Audits are the first step to enter Google, then with a lot of effort, thanks to the content development of your website, you will be able to be on Google fighting for the first places. Guaranteed!

Let’s Make This Possible Together!

Together, We Will Achieve Your Goal Contact Us!

We advise you to generate traffic to your website organically so that your Brand achieves the Recognition it Deserves.

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+51 940 246 812

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